The Study of Yoga

With the burgeoning of research into Yoga in the last few decades, it has become increasingly recognised as being able to make a significant contribution to a person's physical and mental health.

The Foundation has been active in teaching Yoga classes as well as organising forums and seminars, and publishing books and articles about Yoga. We are planning classes and online courses specifically addressed to a range of chronic diseases.

lotusThe aspiration of seeking to overcome our limitations, to find peace and happiness, and to develop a greater capacity to serve and love our fellow human beings has been supported through the practice and study of yoga. Vijayadev Yogendra expresses the attitude of one starting a serious study of Yoga:

"Here am I, my limitations, my shortcomings; I can now start from today evolving myself and I know that in 10 years time if I follow this course of action I will be better, happier and more peaceful. I will find those hidden recesses of my mind where thoughts loom, where thinking begins. And there I can change my thinking, my whole thought process and therefore I can emerge better in every way."

We have published books by authorities on classical Yoga which are available in our store. These include:

  • Life Problems by Shri Yogendra
  • Yoga Explained by Vijayadev Yogendra
  • Flame of Knowledge by G.N. Shirke
  • Glimpses from the Life of Shri Yogendra by Vijayadev Yogendra

Articles from the Foundation's journals and seminars are published on this website. We also regularly run Yogendra System classes at the Centre for Healthy Living in Warwick and are planning online courses in the near future.

The practice of classical Yoga involves:
  • Breathing routines
  • Physical exercises
  • Relaxation techniques
  • Practices to quieten and concentrate the mind
  • Approaches to personal development
Benefits of Yoga
  • Improved immune function
  • Improved concentration
  • Greater emotional and mental control
  • An ability to make decisions with less personal wear and tear
  • A sense of inner confidence
  • An overall feeling of physical and emotional well-being
  • Improved sleep

The Foundation would like to assist those interested in the study of Classical Yoga access knowledge from genuine teachers in this tradition. We will publish articles of interest on this page regularly.

Nurturing Spiritual Growth, Health, Education and Peace

Credit: Quotes from "PEACE A Way of Living"

Contact us

14 Freestone Road, Warwick
Phone: 617 4661 3340
Fax: 617 4667 1333